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成為vegan後,在烘焙這條路上一直是跌跌撞撞,以前常常做出被弟弟恥笑’’阿不是讀烘焙系?’’ 的暗黑餅乾。最近在全植物烘焙的領域有開竅了些,人生第一次體會軟餅乾的美好,真是長的可愛又好吃,應該不會再被弟弟恥笑了:p

- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - -


Spelt全榖麵粉 160 公克 = 1杯

杏仁粉 20 公克 = 1/4杯

小蘇打粉 1 tsp

海鹽 1/4 tsp

巧克力豆 80 公克= 1/2杯


椰子醬 60 公克 = 1/2杯

椰糖 60公克 = 1/2杯

楓糖 60 公克

豆漿 45 公克

△ 椰子醬是椰子打成的醬,帶給餅乾香草般的風味,可以把椰絲或椰子片用高速果汁機打成醬,就像把花生一直打就會變成花生醬一樣。椰子醬絕對不是椰子油喔 !


0.烤箱預熱170℃ (我用的是旋風爐)









9.泡杯熱茶,跟餅乾一起吃 : )

- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - -

After turn vegan, my way of baking always hit the wall. I used to make a lot of terrible vegan cookies that made my brother teasing me ‘‘Didn’t you major in baking?’’
Recently I got some enlightenment dawns on my plant-based baking. First time in my life, I could understand the beauty of soft cookies. They look so adorable and taste so yum, I think my brother would never tease me again :P



Spelt flour 160 g = 1 cup

almond meal 20 g = 1/4 cup

baking soda 1 tsp

sea salt 1/4 tsp

choc chips 80 g = 1/2 cup


coconut butter 60 g = 1/2 cup

coconut sugar 60 g = 1/2 cup

maple syrup 60 g

soymilk 45 g

△ Coconut butter is not coconut oil.

It is dried coconut that has been pureed into a paste, which gives these cookies beautiful smells just similar to vanilla. You can use shredded or desiccated coconut to make coconut butter. Just blend them into paste texture like the way you make peanut butter.


0. Preheat the oven to 170℃ fan-forced.

1. Melt the coconut butter into soft condition.

2. Mix all the //wet// ingredient evenly.

3. Add //dry// ingredient, mix evenly.

4. Divide the dough into 12 pieces, each piece weight 40 g.

5. Roll them into ball shape and press onto the baking tray.

6. Bake for 10 minutes, turn over the tray after 5 minutes baked if the color of cookies not even.

7. Let cookies sit on the tray for 5 minutes after removing from oven, use the remaining heat of the tray keeps cooking the cookies.

8. Place the cookies on the wire rack.

9. Make yourself a cup of tea, enjoy the fika time : )