蕃茄橄欖酸豆義大利麵-Tomato Olive Caper Pasta



- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - -

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蕃茄 2顆 > 切成碎泥

大蒜 2瓣 >切成蒜末

橄欖 8顆 >去核

酸豆 1 tsp >稍微亂剁幾下

巴西里葉 2小支 >取下葉子並切碎

Tabasco 1 tsp

醃橄欖的汁 1 Tbsp

義大利麵 1把



1. 煮一鍋滾水,在水裡加一點鹽巴,把義大利麵放下去煮

2. 煮麵的同時可以把食材準備好,在麵大約煮了5分鐘後開始炒醬

3. 平底鍋內倒入一點油,油熱後加入大蒜炒到微黃

4. 加入蕃茄泥,炒到變成醬,大約要5分鐘,如果太乾快燒焦可以加一點點水

5. 加入酸豆及橄欖,拌炒約1分鐘

6. 加入Tabasco、醃橄欖的汁 及50ml的煮麵水,讓醬汁整個嗆起來

7. 此時試吃一下義大利麵,應該九分熟了。把麵撈到平底鍋裡(不用特別瀝乾,就是夾起來丟到平底鍋裡),讓麵吸滿醬汁

8. 醬汁收乾的差不多就可以關火,把麵倒入美美的盤子

9. 撒上切碎的巴西里葉,轉2下黑胡椒

10. 給自己倒杯冰冰的康普茶,開吃囉!

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- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - -

This is a super-heavy flavor, sour and salty spicy taste spaghetti. Perfect for a busy working day, enjoy with a glass of kombucha or beer. The preparation time is also very short, just about 5 minutes more than the time to cook the noodles.  
Once I was in a bad mood, my landlord cooked this noodle for me and made me feel very warm. After that, I often recalled the taste of these ingredient combinations, so I tried out the proportion I like. Recorded the taste reminds me of the memories I will definitely miss.

// Ingredient //

tomato 2 > minced

garlic 2 cloves > minced

olive 8 > get rid of the core

caper 1 tsp > roughly chopped

parsley 2 sprigs > roughly chopped

Tabasco 1 tsp

olive brine 1 Tbsp

spaghetti a handful

△ This recipe is for one person, but because I eat a lot, my portion of one serving is pretty large.

// Step //

1. Cook the spaghetti in a large pan of boiling salted water according to the packet instructions.

2. While cooking the noodles, you can prepare the ingredients. After the noodles have been cooked for about 5 minutes, start to stir fry the sauce.

3. Pour a tablespoon of cooking oil into the pan, add garlic and fry until it turns yellow.

4. Add tomato mince and fry until it becomes a sauce, about 5 minutes. If it getting too dry and almost burnt, add a little bit of water.

5. Add capers and olives, stir fry for about 1 minute.

6. Add Tabasco, olive brine and 50ml of boiling water to make the sauce.

7. Try the spaghetti now, it should be almost cooked. Adding them to the pan (no special draining, just add them in the pan) and let the noodles absorb the sauce.

8. When the sauce is almost absorbed, you can pour the noodles into a beautiful plate.

9. Sprinkle with chopped parsley leaves and some freshly milled black pepper.

10. Pour yourself a glass of iced kombucha and start eating!

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玉米濃湯 - Corn Chowder
