Phillip Island





Phillip Island is a very lovely island.
The people I met here are very enthusiastic and friendly. I can greet or chat with passersby on the road. When I first came, I received the help of many people and took the lift from strangers. The kindness comes spontaneously here. 
On the way to work by bike, I like to say good morning to everyone I met on the bike path, started my day with good vibes.



Nature and wildlife are the other precious assets on the island. Countless beaches, each with its own style and personality.
Cowes Beach is gentle and tender for me.

Cowes Beach 對我來說是溫柔平緩的。



Nobbies is full of power, with amazing blue spray.

Surf Beach 是我最熟悉的家。

Surf Beach is my most familiar home.

Pyramaid Rock 是我最喜歡的秘密基地,峭壁上長滿各種迷人的花草,還有綿延不斷的草叢可以滾來滾去。

Pyramid Rock is the secret spot I like the most, the cliffs are covered with all kinds of charming flowers and grass, and the continuous grass can let me roll around.


There are many, many, and endless beaches......



Wild animals are everywhere on the island, here I simply share a few cute souls that I have met most often.
The first one I met was birds. Here have so many different types of birds, such as Seagulls, Magpies, Galahs, Masked Lapwings, and so on. Each of them has their unique calls. When I first came, I really scared by Raven's call, it sounds like this: ah- ahahahahah-. Just like someone is mocking at me throw myself to an unknown country. But after time by, I feel so amiable when hearing them calling. 
海鷗 Seagull

海鷗 Seagull

黑色那隻是渡鴉。 The black one is Raven.

黑色那隻是渡鴉。 The black one is Raven.

粉紅鳳頭鸚鵡 Galah

粉紅鳳頭鸚鵡 Galah

蠟嘴雁 Cape barren goose

蠟嘴雁 Cape barren goose


The wallabies live on a small hill nearby the sea, always jumping around with a sense of rhythm. When aware of someone, they stay still, silently blend themselves into the background. Wallabies are so shy and adorable.


The free-range cattle are right next to the bike path I pass by every morning. These beauties are timid, and their big eyes are full of spirituality. Every time I stopped by, they approached me bit by bit and stared at me. But considering the reasons they been here, I feel sad, I really hope they are not killed for human's appetite :(


Sometimes I saw Alpacas that raised by people, they got different colors of their own, and their every movement is so funny.

我住的家則是屋頂有袋貂,地底有兔子,每天都在偷吃房東種的植物,在這裡照顧花園不是件容易的事。袋貂半夜會在屋頂跳跳跳開Party,兔子早上在院子裡吃早餐,雖然令人頭疼但有他們當室友是一件很可愛的事 : )

At our home, Possums will jump on the roof and having their party at night. Rabbits lived underneath the house and having their breakfast in the yard. Both of them eat the plants grown by my landlord every couple of days. That's why taking care of the garden here is not easy. Although it's a bit headache, actually, it's so cute to have them as housemates!

Seal rocks 是海豹的家,生日那天我搭船去一探究竟,在岩石周圍,海豹們在海裡優游自如,無憂無慮;岩石上則是擠滿了在曬日光浴的海豹們,整個場面就像在看紀錄片一樣,不過這是真的!

Seal rocks are the sweet home of seals. I took a boat trip on my birthday to find out how they look like. The seals were swimming in the ocean leisurely and carefree. The rest of them laze on the rocks and bask in the sun. The whole scene just like watching a documentary, and it's real!



The most famous penguins here can only be seen in the nature reserve. After dark, under the cover of the night, they will get up from the shore and advance towards their home in the bush. To prevent their natural enemies from hunting them, they move carefully and keep up with the shelter on the way. 
This is really a test of eyesight and patience. First of all, it is very dark, and the penguins are very small, black, and their shelter rocks are also black (of course). The whole process of watching them back to the nest really needs to keep the eyes open as big as possible. At the same time I deeply moved by nature, they fight for survival every day. Go into the ocean for food in the morning, take a long trip back home in the evening and find their baby in a huge group of ​​penguins. They have no choice but to take challenges from nature all the time. 
Salute all the wild animals. 
這張照片裡有一隻小企鵝呦!There’s a penguin in this photo!


There’s a penguin in this photo!


島上的房子最高大多只有2層樓,太陽下山後大家都只是開個小燈,晚上路燈也沒幾顆(我問房東,這樣晚上想開車出門怎麼辦,她說月光會照亮路),光害非常小,也沒有遮蔽物,天氣好的時候星空閃耀的另人屏息,星星超級清楚超級多,可以看到整片無盡的星空 。


At last, let me talk about the starry night. Most of the houses on the island are only 2 stories tall. After the sun goes down, everyone just turns on a small light, and there are only few street lights on the road (I asked Carolyn what if you want to drive out at night, she said that the moonlight will illuminate the road) Here almost light pollution-free, and there is no encumbrance in the sky.
When the weather is fine, the stars shine and breathtaking. You could see so many stars and they are super clear. The endless starry night. 
On a cloudless day, I tried to use my mobile phone to shoot the starry sky that amazed me and share it with my friends, but I couldn't see any star that day. It turned out that the moon was too bright, like a super searchlight at night, so I could only capture a large moon, and even the night was blurred by the halo. So special.


And the magical sunset everyday.




I used to think that I am an environmentalist who loves nature. I have done a great job in reuse, recycle, and try to live as minimal as possible, but raised as a city kid, I lived very alienated from nature. Even I live on the mountain, I only enjoy the view and haven't explored the mountain where I grew up, and I don't know a thing about my home.
But when I came here, I really threw myself into nature. On the island surrounded by the ocean, just a few steps to the beach, and lived with a landlord who was highly aware of sustainability.
From the beginning, I tried to maintain the habits of urban children, and then I gave up and embraced the new lifestyle. I tried to use electrical appliances during the day so it can be supplied by solar power, and save water (not taking a bath every day hahaha, The days are getting longer and longer, and my experiments have proved that it is also very healthy.)
Sometimes I helped in the garden, get close to the soil, and be scared by worms. Sometimes I went to the beach and let the hair mixed with salt and sand. Sometimes I squeeze into the bush, followed the path wallabies opened up. 
Sometimes I practiced walking barefoot, and felt every step I took.
I started to open my mind and learn how to live with nature, how to embrace nature with my whole heart, how to save resources, and live in a sustainable way.




I learned a lot, there is still so much more to learn. 
Thank you for everything I met here.
I will come back again. Soon. Xxx




從Southern Cross搭V line bus,在車站售票處先買好車票,車程大約2小時,中途會在Koo Wee Rup換車



有V line 跟 Bass Coast Bus 兩種






Below is some information sharing based on my experience of 2019-2020. 
// Transportation //
 / From Melbourne /
 Take the V-line bus from Southern Cross, buy the ticket first at the ticket office, it takes about 2 hours from Melbourne to Phillip Island and will transfer at Koo Wee Rup.
 / Transportation on the island / 
-Bus: Available with V-line and Bass Coast Bus. Check the timetable online. Remember to prepare cash, the bus here only accepts cash, tell the driver where to get off when getting on the bus, one-way or round-trip, the driver will print your ticket on the spot. Remember to ask the driver if he needs to be reminded when close to the station. Some buses do not have a bell.
-Bicycle: There is a bike path all over the island, but there are some slopes, it depends on your physical strength. (I didn’t exercise enough so I bought a second-hand electric bike, but the locals are easily riding a bike with slopes) 




Drive: Be absolutely careful when driving, please don't hit wild animals, don't hit wild animals, don't hit wild animals! There are animal corpses on the road every day. It is really heartbreaking : (  If you hit an animal, please send it to the vet for treatment. They are live like you and me and we share this beautiful planet.


5~10月 是秋天進入冬天,11~4月是春天進入夏天。


May to October is autumn to winter, and November to April is spring to summer. The wind is strong here, and it is very cold as long as it is windy regardless of the season. Those who can't stand the cold must have windproof jackets and beanie. Prepare clothing that can be worn at multiple levels, with a varying temperature between morning and night.
Love you, Phillip Island.

Surf Beach