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My favorite shop in Australia - OP SHOP

我在澳洲最喜歡的店是二手店-Opportunity Shop

先來分享我在二手店挖到的寶 :)

Treasures I collected from the OP SHOP. ↓

- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - -

對OP SHOP 的認識始於我的房東Carolyn,曾經營過二手古董家具店的她,家裡到處都是古董(我前幾天才知道我房間那個綠綠的衣櫃居然有百年歷史,真是失敬)。當她告訴我家裡一半以上的東西都是由二手店購入時,我非常驚訝,因為真的完全看不出來,跟家裡的風格融合的非常好。



每到一個城鎮,我一定會去當地的OP SHOP 逛逛,除了在二手店尋寶本身就樂趣無窮以外,還可以從物品中感受到當地人的生活氛圍,每個小鎮的OP SHOP都有不同的風格,展現不同的生活方式,像是我在墨爾本的二手店發現許多特別的古著,而菲利浦島一帶則是有許多手工陶器。



- 永續性:延續物品的生命,不浪費地球資源製造或購買不必要的嶄新品。

- 愛:在二手店愛上某樣東西,把它買回家帶入我的人生,而這筆錢也捐給需要的人,支持某個人的生活,我對物品的愛化為另一種形式,傳遞給需要它的人。

- 故事及回憶:可能會在二手店發現小時候媽媽做布丁的模具,現在已經買不到了,此時在架上的布丁模勾起想家的情緒,眼眶默默的紅了。(哈哈哈沒錯就是我)

- 省錢:可以用較低的價格買到品質及狀態依舊很好的東西。

- 分享:每隔一陣子我就會斷捨離我擁有的物品,把我不再需要的物品捐到二手店,可以和其他人分享我曾愛過的東西。

今天是 2020 年世界地球日,許個願


- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - - 

My understanding of the OP SHOP began with my landlord Carolyn. She used to run a second-hand antique furniture store, so home is full of antiques. I learned a few days ago that the green wardrobe in my room actually has a hundred years of history, which is amazing!    
When she told me that more than half of the things in the house were bought from second-hand stores, I was very surprised, because I couldn’t tell, and they blended well with her style.
The second-hand stores here are very neatly organized and in order. The contents are donated by the local community or store, assisted by volunteers, and the revenue is donated to the organizations in need. The whole concept just full of love, I like it so much.
What fascinates me, even more, is that the things sold inside are all full of stories. Each item carries the life experience and memories of the original owner.
Every time I go to a town that I have never been to, I will definitely go to the local OP SHOP. The OP SHOP in each town is different and special. In addition to the fun of the treasure hunting part, I can also feel the local people’s living atmosphere from the items, it shows the unique lifestyles of each town. For example, I found many special vintage clothes in the second-hand store in Melbourne, and there are many handmade potteries in the area of ​​Phillip Island.

The best part of shopping in a second-hand store is

 - Sustainability : Extend the life of items without wasting the resources of the earth to manufacture or purchase unnecessary new products
 - Love : fall in love with something in a second-hand store, bring it into my life, and the money is also donated to those who need it, to support the life of someone, my love for things is transformed into another form, Passed on to people who need it
 - Stories and memories : You might find that the pudding molds your mom used to made pudding with, couldn’t buy them anywhere now. At this time, the pudding molds on the shelf arouse the feeling of homesickness. (Yes, that’s me.)
 - Save money : You could buy things with nice quality and good condition at a lower price.
 - Share : Every once in a while I will declutter the items I own, donate the items I no longer need to the second-hand store, and I can share the things I loved with other people.

Today is World Earth Day 2020. Make a wish:  
I hope everyone falls in love with the OP shop. xx