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綠豆湯 - Mung bean sweet soup


於是打電話問媽媽綠豆湯的做法,發現居然這麼簡單!記錄下來,以後出門要就打電話騷擾媽媽的事情就少一件 :P

- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - -


綠豆 1/2杯 = 130公克

水 1 公升

黑糖 4 大匙 = 40公克

( 或 椰子糖 )

△ 此食譜約可煮出4小碗綠豆湯


1. 鍋內加入綠豆及一公升的水,蓋上蓋子,開大火煮到水滾

2. 水煮滾後繼續用大火煮10分鐘

3. 關火燜10分鐘 (中途都不要開蓋子)

4. 蓋子還是蓋著,開中火煮約5~7分鐘

5. 此時綠豆應該有一半都爆開了,是我喜歡吃的軟爛程度



- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - -

Mung bean soup is one of the most common street food in Taiwan.  It's always a good idea to have a pot of mung bean soup in the refrigerator during the summertime. When the weather is hot, have a bowl of ice-cold mung bean soup is the perfect way to cool off the heat immediately!
Six months after leaving home, one day suddenly I wanted to eat mung bean soup. Finally, I found a packet of mung beans and brown sugar from Taiwan in an Asian grocery, I was so happy. Then I realized that I had never cooked mung bean soup before because it was too convenient in Taiwan! So I called my mother to ask how to make mung bean soup and found it was so simple! Recorded and share the recipe here, so there is one less thing to call and harass my mom when I go out in the future :P

// Ingredient //

mung bean 1/2 cup = 130g

water 1 liter

coconut sugar 4 Tbsp = 40g

( or brown sugar )

△ This recipe can make about 4 small bowls of mung bean soup.

// Step //

1. Add mung beans and one liter of water into the pot, put the lid on, and turn on high heat until the water boils.

2. After boiling, continue to cook on high heat for 10 minutes.

3. Turn off the heat and let it steam for 10 minutes (do not open the lid ~).

4. Keep the lid on, and cook on medium heat for about 5~7 minutes.

5. At this stage, half of the mung bean should be exploded, which is the softness I prefer.

6. Turn off the heat, add brown sugar/coconut sugar and mix well.

7. After cooling, put it in the refrigerator, the cold mung bean sweet soup is ready to serve any time!