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玉米濃湯 - Corn Chowder




- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - -

// 份量 // 很濃稠的4碗

// 食材 //

玉米粒 1罐 = 400公克

洋蔥 2顆 >>切丁

/ A /

麵粉        1 Tbsp

黃芥末粉    1/4 tsp

煙燻紅椒粉 1/2 tsp

薑黃粉      1/8 tsp

海鹽        1/2 tsp

黑胡椒      1/4 tsp

/ B /

水 500 ml

椰奶 1罐 = 400 ml

馬鈴薯 3顆 >>切小塊

百里香葉 2小枝 >> 取下葉子

// 作法 //

1. 將洋蔥炒至焦糖化,大約炒10分鐘

2. 加入食材 / A / 部分,大約炒2分鐘直到香氣出來

3. 加入食材 / B / 部分,開中大火煮滾

4. 煮滾後轉中火,加鍋蓋,把馬鈴薯煮到又熟又軟,大約需要20分鐘

5. 偶爾攪拌一下,看馬鈴薯有沒有黏在鍋底

6. 加入玉米粒,攪拌均勻

7. 把1/3的玉米濃湯倒入果汁機,打到滑順的狀態後倒回鍋裡

8. 燉煮個3分鐘後,試喝看看,調成喜歡的鹹度

9. 關火上桌!先盛兩碗,一碗給媽媽,一碗給爸爸,爸爸的那碗要加很多黑胡椒 :)

- - - ENGLISH BELOW - - -

I usually don’t have the habit of eating soup. The only type of soup I truly interested in is the creamy thick soups, such as pumpkin soup or corn chowder.   This corn chowder not only looks yummy but also taste amazing, which makes me very proud.When I first cooked this soup. After tasted, I just want to jump on the plane and go home, serve this bowl of corn chowder in front of my brother's face, and lets him call me a chef.  
I didn't plan to write this recipe today, but today I heard my brother went home to visit our parents. I decided to publish this recipe before dinner time so that he could cook a hearty corn chowder for our parents. Sending my love to them in a special way.

// Serve //

4 servings of very creamy corn chowder

// Ingredient //

corn kernel 1 can = 400 g

onion 2 >> diced

/ A /

flour        1 Tbsp

mustard    1/4 tsp

smoked paprika 1/2 tsp

ginger powder     1/8 tsp

sea salt        1/2 tsp

black pepper   1/4 tsp

/ B /

water 500 ml

coconut milk 1 can = 400 ml

potato 3 >>cut into cube

thyme 2 sprigs >> use the leaves

// Step //

1. Saute onion until caramelized, about 10 minutes.

2. Add ingredients / A / part, and stir fry for about 2 minutes until the aroma comes out.

3. Add ingredients / B / part, and boil over medium-high heat.

4. After boiling, turn to medium heat, add the lid, and stewing until potatoes are cooked and soft, about 20 minutes

5. Stir occasionally to check if the potatoes stick to the bottom of the pot.

6. Add corn kernels and mix well.

7. Pour 1/3 of the corn chowder soup into the blender, blend into the smooth texture and pour it back into the pot.

8. After simmering for 3 minutes, taste it, and adjust it to the saltiness you like.

9. Turn off the fire and serve! Hold two bowls first, one for mom and one for dad. Dad ’s bowl needs to add a lot of black pepper : )